
Beta-agostic interactions can promote one type of these reactions in catalytic hydrogenation reactions. Xanthate pyrolysis is practically irreversible thanks to the formation of stable carbonyl sulfide and thiol byproducts in a reaction of this type named for Chugaev. Amines can be removed through exhaustive methylation followed by treatment with silver oxide in a reaction of this type named for (*) Hofmann. (10[1])For bimolecular reactions of this type, an anti-periplanar (10[1])arrangement of atoms is required. The unimolecular form of this reaction has the same intermediates as SN1 reactions, so its products compete with substitution products. For 10 points, name these reactions that can form pi bonds through E2 (10[1])or E1 mechanisms. ■END■

ANSWER: elimination [accept beta-hydride elimination or reductive elimination or the Chugaev elimination; accept E2 and E1 until mention]
<JZ, Chemistry>
= Average correct buzz position

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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Raymond ChenToronto Ray of Sun in the SkyOttawa B5910
Kane NguyenMcDouble West-CarletonWaterloo6710
James WangOttawa AOttawa C10510


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