2023 Chicago Open

Round 2: Romanos IV Diogenes’ Macaroni Grill vs. remembrance of lost time

remembrance of lost time


Connor Mayers01010
Kenji Shimizu01010
John Marvin02210
Anderson Wang13045
8 bonuses for 110 points (13.75 PPB)

Romanos IV Diogenes’ Macaroni Grill


Jaskaran Singh02020
Raul Passement001-5
William Golden03220
Dylan Minarik16075
12 bonuses for 220 points (18.33 PPB)

Connor MayersKenji ShimizuJohn MarvinAnderson WangBonusesTotalTUJaskaran SinghRaul PassementWilliam GoldenDylan MinarikBonusesTotal
10 10901002010
-5 4915210 1500101030
15310 1360101060
15410 1300101090
15510 14110010120
10 12701003560 127120
10 1591000557-5 102115
10 106000658115
10 9601010959115
10 1361010012510-5 61110
1251110 8710010140
1251210 1100010160
1251315 5910100195
15 320101016014195
1601510 13201010225
1601610 860100245
10 1420101019017-5 134240
0 1341901810 134101010280
1901910 13410100310
-5 1091852010 1371000330
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text