William Blake was likely inspired to depict John Milton returning to Earth after reading a biography by this author, which seeks to rebut Samuel Johnson's characterization of Milton as a “most unamiable being.” For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this author of a Life of Milton. Blake moved to a cottage in Felpham (“FELP-um”) upon being hired by this author in 1800.
ANSWER: William Hayley
[10m] Blake was specifically commissioned to illustrate William Hayley’s biography of this other poet with the given name William, who wrote “The Stricken Deer” and collaborated with John Newton on the Olney Hymns.
ANSWER: William Cowper (“cooper”)
[10e] While employed by Hayley, Blake wrote this poem, which he included in the preface to the prophetic book Milton. This poem’s speaker asks if a city was “builded here / Among these dark Satanic Mills?”
ANSWER: “Jerusalem” [or “And did those feet in ancient time”]
<Joy An, British Literature>
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