2023 ACF Nationals

Round 16: Houston A vs. NYU A



Nat Ku1010
Keegan Martin1010
Halle Friedman7165
9 bonuses for 90 points (10 PPB)

Houston A


John Luke Broussard4135
Sean Doyle115
5 bonuses for 40 points (8 PPB)

Nat KuKeegan MartinHalle FriedmanBonusesTotalTUJohn Luke BroussardSean DoyleBonusesTotal
10 13000102010
20210 13600010
20310 145100030
0 1622040 16230
0 1472050 14730
10 128010040630
10 115010060730
60810 142010050
601010 143001070
10 143010080110 14370
10 14501010110120 14570
0 139110130 13970
0 14911014-5 6165
10 11801001301565
-5 891251610 142100085
0 13612517-5 10980
10 10301001451880
10 10100101651980
10 1160001752080
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text