2023 ACF Nationals

Round 13: Columbia B vs. Florida B

Florida B


Mateo Acosta1010
Tiffany Zhou120
Qingyu Zhang2020
Jeya Iyadurai1010
5 bonuses for 60 points (12 PPB)

Columbia B


Noah Chen3030
Albert Zhang2115
William Groger3125
Forrest Weintraub4040
12 bonuses for 170 points (14.17 PPB)

Mateo AcostaTiffany ZhouQingyu ZhangJeya IyaduraiBonusesTotalTUNoah ChenAlbert ZhangWilliam GrogerForrest WeintraubBonusesTotal
0110 1170101030
0210 143100050
0310 125010070
0410 115001090
10 135100020590
20610 9710100120
10 1001000407120
10 1190010608120
0 146609-5 139115
601010 9310010145
10 14000108011-5 66140
0 170801210 17010100170
801310 1470100190
-5 107751410 1360100210
751510 630100230
751610 13101010260
0 13975170 139260
0 16375180 163260
10 990101010519260
-5 1191002010 1381000280
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text