2023 ACF Nationals

Round 13: Chicago B vs. WUSTL A

Chicago B


Vivek Sasse120
John Marvin120
Amogh Kulkarni3315
Daniel Yang1010
6 bonuses for 110 points (18.33 PPB)



Matthew Lehmann7070
Charles Hang4230
Annabelle Yang3030
Paul Lee01-5
14 bonuses for 220 points (15.71 PPB)

Vivek SasseJohn MarvinAmogh KulkarniDaniel YangBonusesTotalTUMatthew LehmannCharles HangAnnabelle YangPaul LeeBonusesTotal
10 124101010401-5 85-5
40210 1211001025
40310 971010055
10 980101070455
10 133100090555
10 4510100120655
120710 691001085
-5 104115810 15501010115
-5 49110910 14610010145
1101010 800010165
-5 1341051110 1400100185
1051210 1470100205
-5 1171001310 14701010235
1001410 730100255
-5 59951510 12710100285
10 1520101012516-5 106280
-5 941201710 1131000300
-5 731151810 1510100320
1151910 4910100350
10 138010013520-5 93345
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text