2023 ACF Nationals

Round 10: Minnesota A vs. UC Berkeley A

UC Berkeley A


Eve Fleisig2020
Swapnil Garg2020
Shahar Schwartz1010
Ryan Sun4135
9 bonuses for 130 points (14.44 PPB)

Minnesota A


Shardul Rao120
Ethan Ashbrook1010
Joel Miles5050
Maxwell Ye115
8 bonuses for 130 points (16.25 PPB)

Eve FleisigSwapnil GargShahar SchwartzRyan SunBonusesTotalTUShardul RaoEthan AshbrookJoel MilesMaxwell YeBonusesTotal
10 11801002010
10 125101010602-5 123-5
60310 1491001025
604-5 11820
60510 86001040
10 6100070640
70710 611010070
10 66010090870
90910 10201010100
10 911010012010100
10 6801014012100
10 138010016013100
1601410 1000010120
10 1431001019015-5 91115
10 76010021016115
-5 1242051710 14001010145
2051810 991000165
2051910 8401010195
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text