
At a dinner party, a frail character who obsesses over these things is revealed to be the child of the Mummy and the wheelchair-bound Jacob Hummel. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name these things that fill a room where the Student asks Buddha to “grant us the purity of will” as the Young Lady slowly perishes in a 1907 play.
ANSWER: hyacinths [accept the Hyacinth Room or the hyacinth girl; prompt on flowers or plants]
[10e] Hyacinths are a recurring motif in an August Strindberg chamber play named after a “sonata” for one of these beings. These beings title a Henrik Ibsen play that ends with Mrs. Alving cradling her syphilitic son Oswald.
ANSWER: ghosts [or specters, spirits, phantoms, phantasms, or spooks; accept The Ghost Sonata or Spöksonaten; accept Ghosts or Gengangere]
[10m] In The Ghost Sonata, the Mummy foreshadows Hummel’s death by adjusting one of these objects. In Anton Chekhov’s play Three Sisters, Chebutykin smashes one of these objects that belonged to the mother of Olga, Masha, and Irina.
ANSWER: clocks [accept grandfather clocks; prompt on timepieces or timekeeping devices; reject “watches”]
<European Literature>

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2023 ACF Nationals04/22/2023Y1911.58100%16%0%


Chicago BFlorida A010010
Chicago CHarvard A010010
Cornell BMIT A010010
Indiana ANorth Carolina A010010
Northwestern AColumbia A010010
Virginia ASouth Carolina A010010
Brown AGeorgia Tech A010010
Claremont AWUSTL B010010
Cornell AMaryland A010010
Rutgers APenn State A010010
Yale AWUSTL A010010
Florida BVanderbilt A0101020
Johns Hopkins AColumbia B010010
Yale BMcGill A010010
Ohio State AStanford A010010
NYU AUC Berkeley B0101020
Duke AChicago A010010
Michigan AMinnesota B010010
Minnesota AUC Berkeley A0101020