
In a book on this concept, Wade Roof and Robert Wuthnow discussed how individuals collect ideas meaningful to them in its “seeker” form. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this concept that Philip Sheldrake defines as “the deepest [set of] values and meanings by which people seek to live” in a book that examines religious, esoteric, and secular varieties of it.
ANSWER: spirituality [or the spiritual; accept being spiritual; accept seeker spirituality]
[10e] Sheldrake notes the link between spirituality and mystical instances of these occurrences. The “healthy-minded” are discussed in a William James book titled for the “varieties of” these occurrences.
ANSWER: religious experiences [accept mystical experiences; accept The Varieties of Religious Experience]
[10m] Sheldrake cites this French priest and archaeologist as an example of an individual who formulated a spirituality of science. This formulator of the concepts of the Noosphere and the Omega Point co-discovered Peking Man.
ANSWER: Pierre Teilhard de Chardin [prompt on Teilhard; prompt on de Chardin]

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Florida AChicago B0101020
Harvard AChicago C010010
MIT ACornell B010010
Imperial AHouston A0000
North Carolina AIndiana A0101020
Northwestern AColumbia A0101020
Georgia Tech ABrown A0101020
Claremont AWUSTL B010010
Cornell AMaryland A0101020
Illinois AGeorgia Tech B0101020
Rutgers APenn State A010010
Toronto ATexas A0000
Yale AWUSTL A010010
Florida BVanderbilt A010010
Iowa State APenn A0000
Johns Hopkins AColumbia B010010
Yale BMcGill A0101020
Ohio State AStanford A0101020
Purdue ARutgers B010010
NYU AUC Berkeley B010010
Chicago ADuke A0101020
Minnesota BMichigan A0000
Virginia ASouth Carolina A010010
UC Berkeley AMinnesota A010010