2023 ACF Nationals

Round 10: Ohio State A vs. Stanford A

Ohio State A


Clark Smith4040
Chris Ray3315
Roxanne Tang01-5
Pranav Sivaram000
7 bonuses for 100 points (14.29 PPB)

Stanford A


Natan Holtzman5050
Eric Wolfsberg3220
Tim Morrison1010
Andrew Zeng2020
11 bonuses for 180 points (16.36 PPB)

Clark SmithChris RayRoxanne TangPranav SivaramBonusesTotalTUNatan HoltzmanEric WolfsbergTim MorrisonAndrew ZengBonusesTotal
10 118010103010
30210 881010030
-5 10625310 148100050
254-5 8845
25510 59001065
25610 7700075
10 80100045775
-5 11140810 14810100105
10 9301010709105
-5 73651010 13310100135
651110 54010155
651210 11101010185
10 7800108513185
851410 12001010215
851510 82101010255
10 121010010516-5 53250
10 65100012517250
10 1000101015518250
1551910 760010270
-5 13615020270
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text