2023 ACF Nationals

Round 10: Columbia A vs. Northwestern A

Northwestern A


Nikhil Chellam4040
Sharath Narayan3125
Andrew Salij3030
Chris Sims7070
17 bonuses for 300 points (17.65 PPB)

Columbia A


Noah Sheidlower000
John John Groger1010
Geoffrey Wu01-5
Elijah Scheinson000
1 bonuses for 20 points (20 PPB)

Nikhil ChellamSharath NarayanAndrew SalijChris SimsBonusesTotalTUNoah SheidlowerJohn John GrogerGeoffrey WuElijah ScheinsonBonusesTotal
10 128010103010
10 94101006020
10 101100109030
10 149100101204-5 119-5
10 81101001505-5
10 6801001707-5
-5 141165810 1491010025
10 10001010195925
10 112010102251025
10 73002351125
10 99010102651225
10 13800102851325
10 143010103151425
10 941010103551525
10 9401003751625
10 138100104051725
10 134010104351825
10 8400104551925
0 1474552025
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text