2023 ACF Nationals

Round 10: Indiana A vs. North Carolina A

Indiana A


Justin Hawkins2210
Alex Akridge2020
Drake Eshleman115
Zane Kierzyk1010
6 bonuses for 80 points (13.33 PPB)

North Carolina A


Vincent Du5050
Vittal Bhat2020
Jonathan Shauf1010
Jim Fan4230
12 bonuses for 240 points (20 PPB)

Justin HawkinsAlex AkridgeDrake EshlemanZane KierzykBonusesTotalTUVincent DuVittal BhatJonathan ShaufJim FanBonusesTotal
-5 134-5110 1340101030
-5210 12510101070
-5310 13710010100
10 14910010254-5 8695
10 97010045595
0 1604560 16095
45710 9010100125
45810 14201010155
45910 14010100185
10 1110106510185
10 13701008511185
10 111001010512185
1051310 128101010225
1051410 13410100255
10 143010012515-5 75250
1251610 761000270
-5 1241201710 1400100290
1201810 9910010320
1201910 7601010350
-5 68115200 147350
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text