2023 ACF Nationals

Round 2: Georgia Tech B vs. Stanford A

Stanford A


Natan Holtzman6155
Eric Wolfsberg01-5
Tim Morrison5050
Andrew Zeng2020
13 bonuses for 240 points (18.46 PPB)

Georgia Tech B


S. A. Shenoy2020
Raymond Jiang000
Tegan Kapadia1010
Sanjay Srihari01-5
3 bonuses for 40 points (13.33 PPB)

Natan HoltzmanEric WolfsbergTim MorrisonAndrew ZengBonusesTotalTUS. A. ShenoyRaymond JiangTegan KapadiaSanjay SrihariBonusesTotal
-5 124-510 1330
-5210 701010030
10 8210101035330
10 790101065430
10 52001085530
10 800100105630
0 134105730
10 9201010135830
10 13501010165930
10 4101001851030
10 84100102151130
10 83101002451230
10 149010102751330
2751410 137100050
10 85010103051550
3051610 145100070
-5 123300170 15470
10 83100103301870
0 16433019-5 15865
10 79100103602065
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text