2023 ACF Nationals

Round 2: Imperial A vs. Iowa State A

Iowa State A


Conor Thompson4135
JD Kroth1010
Guy Indorante3030
8 bonuses for 100 points (12.5 PPB)

Imperial A


Enoch Yuen4230
Michael Mays13-5
Rahim Dina2020
Carlos Doebeli01-5
7 bonuses for 80 points (11.43 PPB)

Conor ThompsonJD KrothGuy IndoranteBonusesTotalTUEnoch YuenMichael MaysRahim DinaCarlos DoebeliBonusesTotal
01-5 116-5
10 1021000202-5
10 10310100503-5
50410 1590101025
10 167001070525
70610 96010045
70710 134001065
70810 109010085
709-5 7580
10 1520100901080
-5 128851110 1530010100
10 97010010512100
10513-5 10295
10 13701001251495
10 1421010015515-5 10190
15516-5 13285
1551810 650010105
10 164100017519-5 157100
1752010 841000120
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text