2023 ACF Nationals

Round 2: Florida B vs. MIT A

Florida B


Mateo Acosta3125
Tiffany Zhou000
Qingyu Zhang115
Jeya Iyadurai000
4 bonuses for 40 points (10 PPB)



Katherine Lei2020
Ricky Li5240
Grace Liu4230
Steven Liu1010
12 bonuses for 180 points (15 PPB)

Mateo AcostaTiffany ZhouQingyu ZhangJeya IyaduraiBonusesTotalTUKatherine LeiRicky LiGrace LiuSteven LiuBonusesTotal
0 13301-5 110-5
0210 94100015
0310 116010035
0410 86001055
10 98001020555
20610 1341010085
20810 1060100105
10 153000309105
10 10601005010105
0 1535011-5 85100
501210 10710010130
-5 99451310 1540100150
451410 1130100170
451510 12810100200
10 145100107516-5 132195
751710 14510100225
-5 91701810 13310010255
0 1647019-5 134250
702010 9010010280
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text