2023 ACF Nationals

Round 2: Columbia A vs. McGill A

Columbia A


Noah Sheidlower5050
John John Groger3030
Geoffrey Wu13-5
Elijah Scheinson2020
11 bonuses for 160 points (14.55 PPB)

McGill A


Cormac Beirne2020
Kevin Fan2020
Max Chemtov000
Jacob van Oorschot1010
5 bonuses for 50 points (10 PPB)

Noah SheidlowerJohn John GrogerGeoffrey WuElijah ScheinsonBonusesTotalTUCormac BeirneKevin FanMax ChemtovJacob van OorschotBonusesTotal
10 112101003010
30210 106010020
-5 8325320
10 162001045420
10 172010107550 17220
-5 10170620
0 1347070 13420
70810 111010040
10 153001090940
10 112010101201040
10 11101001401140
10 10600101601240
1601310 150010060
-5 97155140 13760
10 13801001751560
10 14510001951660
1951710 15400070
1951810 9310010100
10 1641001022519100
10 1190101025520100
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text