2025 ACF Regionals at Imperial

Round 8: Oxford C vs. Southampton A

Oxford C


Ben Watson7165
Benjamin Liu1010
8 bonuses for 90 points (11.25 PPB)

Southampton A


Rose Daffin1010
Cormac Stephenson3125
Christian Sherrington115
Zayyan Mahmood4040
9 bonuses for 120 points (13.33 PPB)

Ben WatsonBenjamin LiuBonusesTotalTURose DaffinCormac StephensonChristian SherringtonZayyan MahmoodBonusesTotal
0110 89001020
10 91010020220
20310 11900030
20410 650101060
20510 104101010100
10 13310010506100
0 1205070 120100
10 1060100708100
70910 80101010140
0 14170100 141140
10 1280008011-5 64135
10 981010011012135
10 111100013013135
1301410 125000145
10 124100015015145
10 136010017016-5 41140
1701710 1260100160
-5 1421651810 1490100180
1651910 970010200
0 146165200 146200
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text