2025 ACF Regionals at Imperial

Round 3: Cambridge E vs. Warwick A

Cambridge E


Jon White3125
Ruth Ní Mhurcheartaigh1010
Louis Cameron4040
Lewis Strachan01-5
8 bonuses for 120 points (15 PPB)

Warwick A


Chris Levesley3125
Adsayan Ganesh3220
Antoni Kluzowski4325
Lucas Johns1010
11 bonuses for 160 points (14.55 PPB)

Jon WhiteRuth Ní MhurcheartaighLouis CameronLewis StrachanBonusesTotalTUChris LevesleyAdsayan GaneshAntoni KluzowskiLucas JohnsBonusesTotal
0110 611001030
10 14001010302-5 9625
10 11900040325
10 12501010704-5 10920
-5 4165510 137001040
10 54101010105640
10 74000115740
115810 117100060
0 119115910 119101010100
1151010 10410100130
10 1480101014511-5 61125
14512-5 98120
10 129010016513-5 93115
1651410 561000135
1651510 1250100155
1651610 1131000175
-5 1381601710 1440010195
1601810 1160010215
1601910 11501010245
10 1350101019020-5 111240
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text