One of these quantities is divided by the flexural rigidity in the integrand of a theorem developed by Mohr. The signs of these quantities determine whether a structure undergoes “hogging” or “sagging.” One of these quantities is defined as a resultant internal couple and is typically plotted alongside shear in a structural design setup. These quantities are defined as the product of another quantity and some power of distance and include a “bending” type. Another of these quantities, which defines a rank-2 tensor appearing in the Euler equations, is invariant along an axis under the “stretch rule.” For 10 points, name these quantities that describe the distribution of another quantity relative to a fixed reference point, such as the analogue of mass in rotational dynamics called one “of inertia.” ■END■
ANSWER: moments [accept moment of inertia or bending moment; reject “momentum”]
<UCSD, Physics>
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