
One of these quantities is divided by the flexural rigidity in the integrand of a theorem developed by Mohr. The signs of these quantities determine whether a structure undergoes “hogging” or “sagging.” One (10[1])of these quantities is defined as a resultant internal (-5[1])couple and is typically plotted alongside shear in a structural (-5[1])design (10[1])setup. (-5[2])These quantities (10[1])are defined as the product of another quantity (10[1])and some power of distance and include (10[1])a “bending” type. (10[4])Another of these (10[2])quantities, (10[2])which defines a rank-2 (10[2])tensor (10[1])appearing (10[1])in the Euler equations, (10[2])is invariant along (-5[1])an axis under (-5[2])the “stretch rule.” (10[2])For 10 points, (-5[1])name these quantities (10[1]-5[1])that describe the distribution of another quantity relative (10[1])to a fixed reference point, such (10[1])as (-5[1])the analogue of mass (10[3]-5[1])in rotational (10[1])dynamics (10[2])called (10[1])one (10[2]-5[1])“of inertia.” (10[6])■END■ (10[18]0[1])

ANSWER: moments [accept moment of inertia or bending moment; reject “momentum”]
<UCSD, Physics>
= Average correct buzz position


Great Lakes2025-02-01Y6100%0%0%106.67
Lower Mid-Atlantic2025-02-01Y6100%0%0%116.33
Pacific Northwest2025-02-01Y2100%0%100%129.00
Upper Mid-Atlantic2025-02-01Y8100%0%25%109.88
Upstate NY2025-02-01Y3100%0%33%110.33


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Joseph CollinsImperial BOxford C3210
Rohan DalalGeorgia Tech CGeorgia Tech B41-5
Jerry ZhangHarvard BBrandeis A51-5
Akshar GoyalIllinois AChicago A5210
Sophie HiggsUW AAlberta53-5
Chris ScheriRIT ARIT B53-5
Sai SubramanianCase Western ACarnegie Mellon A5510
Rasheeq AzadUNC BVirginia Tech A6310
Freddy PottsSheffieldLSE7010
Stan MelkumianPurdueIowa7310
Agnijo BanerjeeCambridge AManchester7310
Arya KarthikOxford ABristol7310
Ryan RosenbergNYU AHaverford B7310
Leo LawFlorida AValencia A7610
Maximilian NieburJohns Hopkins AGeorge Washington A7610
Guy IndoranteIowa StateMinnesota B7710
Rachel BenthamCambridge BSouthampton A7710
Philip YaoBrown ABrandeis B8110
Danny CutbillRIT BRIT A8110
Ezra SantosChicago BMissouri8210
Cade SmithMichigan StateOhio State A8310
Jonathan HuangMIT ADartmouth A8710
Linus LuuCambridge DWarwick B8710
Jason QinColumbia BPenn B90-5
Chris LevesleyWarwick ACambridge E93-5
Patrick Rivas-GiorgiColumbia CYale A93-5
Bill ZhaoFlorida BUCF C9610
Andrew ZengStanford BGeorgetown B9610
Matthew WangUBCUW B99-5
Hamish CampbellDurhamNYU C102-5
Richard NiuCornell BNYU B10210
Will HuangWisconsin AWinona State11010
Dennis YangMichigan CMichigan A11610
Jacob PuthipirojNorthwestern BNotre Dame C117-5
Will ZhangTufts ABU121-5
Justin KeungImperial AOxford B12110
Aum MundheRutgers AHaverford A12110
Alec RisoCornell CCornell D12110
Jerry VinokurovJohn Jay CollegeGeorge Washington B12310
Ivan StanisavljevicDukeLiberty B12410
Matt SchiavoneNorthwestern ANotre Dame B12410
Chase WoodsonVirginia AUNC C12510
Ian SaylorWisconsin BCarleton126-5
Alex BakerCambridge CSouthampton B12610
Isaac MammelMaryland AMaryland B12610
Rohan Navaneetha RajOhio State BCase Western B12810
Chris YooWilliam & MaryWake Forest12810
Aaron MarchandCarletonWisconsin B12810
Nikhil NairBUTufts A12810
Samir SarmaGeorgia Tech DGeorgia Tech A12810
Arunn SankarGeorgia Tech BGeorgia Tech C12810
Anna BarkerUCF BFlorida State A12910
Jack LengaCarnegie Mellon BKenyon12910
Mitchell IndekMichigan BMichigan D12910
Sam KungUNC DLiberty A12910
Braeden LaRocheSouth CarolinaLiberty C12910
Joy AnHarvard AUMass Boston12910
Christopher DechBrandeis AHarvard B12910
Christopher JosephNotre Dame CNorthwestern B12910
Jacob FinleyNotre Dame AGeorgetown A12910
Jonathan HoAlbertaUW A12910
Yaj JhajhriaUW BUBC12910
Beckett GilmoreLouisville ABruin A12910
Jack LewisBruin ALouisville A1290
Brina RatangeeVanderbilt AAlabama A12910
Jon WhiteCambridge EWarwick A12910
Jacob Hardin-BernhardtNYU CDurham12910
Vedh RameshPenn BColumbia B12910
Frederick Rivas-GiorgiYale AColumbia C12910
Owen LinderBinghamton AESF A12910