2025 ACF Regionals at Cornell

Round 8: Cornell C vs. Cornell D

Cornell C


Alec Riso2210
Kevin Peng4135
Reese Powell01-5
6 bonuses for 90 points (15 PPB)

Cornell D


Pranaav Senthilkumar5050
Kritanu Saha2115
7 bonuses for 80 points (11.43 PPB)

Alec RisoKevin PengReese PowellBonusesTotalTUPranaav SenthilkumarKritanu SahaBonusesTotal
10 13601002010
10 127010105020
-5 7145310 1321010030
0 1394540 13930
10 75010065530
65610 10600040
0 12765740
-5 3560810 126010060
60910 120100080
10 12101010901080
0 1289011-5 8775
90120 12575
-5 88851310 13001010105
-5 11980140 133105
801510 820100125
0 13880160 138125
10 122010010017125
10 1000101013018125
130190 143125
1302010 1000010145
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text