A Biblical passage claims that the word for this status should be cried twice by a man who “shall dwell alone” and should “put a covering upon his upper lip.” Jose ben Joezer (“yo-SAY ben yo-EZZ-air”) decreed that this status existed on all land outside of the Land of Israel. Eight things that confer this status are listed in the sheratzim (“shra-TSEEM”), or “creeping things.” A method of removing this trait called netilat yadayim (“neh-tee-LOT ya-DAH-yeem”) is more moderate compared to tevilah (“tvee-LAH”). The Kohen who performs the red heifer (“HEFF-er”) sacrifice gains this status until evening. The “father” of this status is the only grade of this status greater than coming into contact with a corpse. Zav and niddah (“nee-DAH”) are sources of this trait, which can be erased through immersion in a mikveh. For 10 points, name this trait of self-pollution removed through ritual washing. ■END■
ANSWER: impurity [or word forms; or ritual impurity; or tum’ah; accept uncleanliness or word forms; accept contamination; accept self-pollution until read; accept Av HaTumah or “Father of Uncleanliness”] (The Biblical passage is Leviticus 13:45–46.)
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