2025 ACF Regionals at SIUE

Round 13: Chicago D vs. Illinois C

Chicago D


Benny Feldman04040
Alvin Guo05145
Max Hodes02020
Carter Herron001-5
11 bonuses for 100 points (9.09 PPB)

Illinois C


Jiping Fang0120
Sriram Koritala06250
7 bonuses for 50 points (7.14 PPB)

Benny FeldmanAlvin GuoMax HodesCarter HerronBonusesTotalTUJiping FangSriram KoritalaBonusesTotal
-5 77-5110 14100010
10 1011000152-5 785
10 10601003535
35410 11300015
35510 1800025
35610 1110101055
0 1333570 13355
10 117100055855
-5 9250910 1221001085
10 1190100701085
10 12410009011-5 7580
10 10901001101280
10 11510001301380
13014-5 9675
10 11100101501575
1501610 9600085
10 12601001701785
10 12301001901885
10 12000020019-5 11380
2002010 830010100
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text