
The movement of compounds with this property from groundwater into buildings is the most common form of vapor intrusion. For 10 points each:
[10e] Name this property of compounds that readily vaporize. This property names a class of hazardous “organic compounds” found in paints and perfumes.
ANSWER: volatility [or volatile; accept volatile organic compounds]
[10h] This naturally produced compound comprises the majority of VOCs emitted by plants. In biological systems, DMAPP is a precursor to derivatives of this compound.
ANSWER: isoprene [accept terpenes; accept isoprenoids or terpenoids]
[10m] Ozonolysis of VOCs can form this carcinogen, “releasers” of which have been controversial in the cosmetics industry. This chemically-simple preservative cross-links DNA and proteins in a classic example of chemical fixation.
ANSWER: formaldehyde [or methanal]
<MY, Chemistry>

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WashU BChicago B1001020
Chicago DIllinois C100010
Illinois AIllinois B1001020
Chicago AIndiana A1001020
Indiana BMissoui S&T0000
WashU AMissouri1001020