This painting inspired a pastel and charcoal series of an urban wasteland made in the 1980s by William Kentridge. In a darker poem inspired by this painting, a traveler sees birds pecking at a corpse on a “gallows tree.” On the right side of this reception piece, a bow and quiver sit below a statue adorned with pink roses. Though its main version is in the Louvre, a second version of this painting is in Berlin’s Charlottenburg Palace, which also houses its artist’s painting of works being boxed up at a dealer’s shop. On the left of this painting, a red cloth drapes the prow of a ship, above which fly several cupids. It is unclear whether the joyous aristocrats in this fête galante are heading to or from the title Greek island. For 10 points, name this Rococo painting by Jean-Antoine Watteau. ■END■
ANSWER: The Embarkation for Cythera [or The Embarkation to Cythera; or The Voyage to Cythera; or Pilgrimage to the Isle of Cythera; or L’embarquement pour Cythère; accept reasonable translations mentioning a journey to or from Cythera] (The poem in the second sentence is “A Voyage to Cythera” by Charles Baudelaire. The other Watteau painting is The Shop Sign of Gersaint.)
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