2024 ACF Winter at Lehigh

Round 11: Lehigh A vs. Rutgers A

Rutgers A


Simon Emmanuel115
Alex Wong5050
Daniel Craig000
6 bonuses for 50 points (8.33 PPB)

Lehigh A


Will Hollister6060
Chase Barrick3030
Jack Stuhlman000
Caedmon Holland1010
Nolan Keating115
Lauren Edgar000
11 bonuses for 150 points (13.64 PPB)

Simon EmmanuelAlex WongDaniel CraigBonusesTotalTUWill HollisterChase BarrickJack StuhlmanCaedmon HollandNolan KeatingLauren EdgarBonusesTotal
10 136000101-5 134-5
10210 75001015
10310 108001035
10410 98100055
0 1351050 13555
10610 113010075
0 1201070 12075
10 13410003080 13475
30910 12001010105
10 11900105010105
10 13100107011105
701210 7301010135
701310 1110010155
701410 8701010185
701510 1130010205
0 12970160 129205
10 12501009017205
901810 1150100225
10 106100011019225
-5 1251052010 13310010255
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text