Lenin retorted that “the secret was well kept” in response to a book from this country titled The Secret of Hegel. A philosopher from this country used the example of a lump of sugar to argue by regress that “relations” are not real in his book Appearance and Reality. That thinker was part of a movement from this country criticized in a paper that helped popularize the concept of “sense data,” “The Refutation of Idealism.” A philosopher from this country presented the “Here is one hand” argument in his “A Defence of Common Sense.” A friend of that thinker also from this country argued that the burden of proof lies with someone claiming that there exists a teapot between Earth and Mars. For 10 points, name this home country of G. E. Moore and Bertrand Russell. ■END■
ANSWER: United Kingdom [or Britain or UK or United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Island; accept England or Scotland or Wales; accept British Idealism] (The Secret of Hegel is by James Hutchison Stirling and Appearance and Reality is by F. H. Bradley.)
= Average correct buzz position