2024 ACF Winter at Lehigh

Round 11: Columbia B vs. Rowan A

Rowan A


John Shelly000
Rahul Rao-Pothuraju4230
4 bonuses for 30 points (7.5 PPB)

Columbia B


Chauncey Lo5240
Olin Bose6060
Patrick Rivas-Giorgi3220
Elijah Scheinson2020
16 bonuses for 260 points (16.25 PPB)

John ShellyRahul Rao-PothurajuBonusesTotalTUChauncey LoOlin BosePatrick Rivas-GiorgiElijah ScheinsonBonusesTotal
0110 93001020
-5 102-5210 1211001050
-5310 1320101080
-5410 13101010120
-5510 780100140
-5610 5910010170
-5 93-10710 11901010200
10 1330010108-5 105195
10910 7801010225
10 1180002010-5 101220
201110 1030010240
201210 7401010270
10 13900104013-5 33265
10 12501006014-5 92260
601510 590100280
601610 7510100310
601710 1250010330
601810 1040010350
601910 6610010380
602010 1250010400
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text