2024 ACF Winter at Lehigh

Round 3: Johns Hopkins A vs. Penn State B

Johns Hopkins A


Nihal Chatra000
David Bass3125
Sinecio Morales9090
Aditya Shivaswamy6060
18 bonuses for 380 points (21.11 PPB)

Penn State B


Thomas Flexer01-5
Robert Wang2115
Victor Bender000
2 bonuses for 10 points (5 PPB)

Nihal ChatraDavid BassSinecio MoralesAditya ShivaswamyBonusesTotalTUThomas FlexerRobert WangVictor BenderBonusesTotal
10 381010104010
10 691010108020
10 311010011030
10 811010014040
10 751010017050
10 9710101021060
210710 108001020
10 9210100240820
10 8901010270920
10 391010103101020
10 75010103401120
10 10001003601220
10 74101003901320
10 38100104201620
10 6001004401720
10 12410101048018-5 10415
10 911010105201915
0 2910 7200105402015
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text