2024 ACF Winter at Clemson

Round 6: Emory B vs. Georgia Tech D

Georgia Tech D


Ayan Guha01-5
Pranav Jothi1010
Bharath Ram2020
Tegan Kapadia120120
15 bonuses for 300 points (20 PPB)

Emory B


Tarun Koti3125
Ethan Altshul115
Barkot Belay1010
5 bonuses for 70 points (14 PPB)

Ayan GuhaPranav JothiBharath RamTegan KapadiaBonusesTotalTUTarun KotiEthan AltshulBarkot BelayBonusesTotal
10 69101003010
10 102100106020
10 65101009030
10 87001011040
110510 841010030
10 6710100140630
10 7110010170730
10 103101010210830
10 125010102409-5 11825
10 59100102701025
10 97101003001125
10 860003101225
10 1430101034013-5 8220
3401410 961001050
10 171010103801550
3801610 75010070
-5 1143751710 12210010100
10 720101040518100
10 9110101044519100
4452010 120000110
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text