
Laura Cumming suggests that a painting of one of these animals survived because it was still wet in the 2023 book Thunderclap. One of these animals nestles below Mary’s breast in Leonardo’s Madonna Litta (-5[1])as a common symbol for the Passion and the Resurrection. A thin chain holds one of these animals to a feeder in a painting whose creator died in the 1654 Delft gunpowder explosion. (10[1]-5[1])One of these animals titles a painting in which Mary sits on a rock (10[1])and holds (-5[1])an open book with one hand. (-5[1])A Carel Fabritius painting of one of these animals is rescued from a bombing at the Met (10[1])in a 2014 novel (10[1])by Donna Tartt. In a 1505 painting, one of these animals perches on the finger of an infant John the Baptist. For 10 points, a Raphael Madonna is titled for what small, colorful bird? (10[1])■END■ (0[4])

ANSWER: goldfinches [or Carduelis carduelis; accept The Goldfinch, Het puttertje, Madonna of the Goldfinch, or Madonna del Cardellino; prompt on birds or finches] (Goldfinches seem to have become associated with the Passion through the Crown of Thorns, because they eat thistle seeds.)
<Visual Fine Arts>
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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Ian LuGeorgia Tech FTennesse A33-5
Zach TsengGeorgia Tech EAuburn C66-5
Jeffry XuGeorgia Tech BAuburn B6610
Arunn SankarGeorgia Tech CAuburn A8010
Ethan AltshulEmory BGeorgia Tech D82-5
Alina MooreTennesse BSouth Carolina A88-5
Luke ZhangEmory AAlabama A10510
Parker McCoigTennesse AGeorgia Tech F10910
Tegan KapadiaGeorgia Tech DEmory B14310
Tianyu XuGeorgia Tech AClemson A1440
Charlie WeaverClemson AGeorgia Tech A1440
Brandon HuntAuburn CGeorgia Tech E1440
Braeden LaRocheSouth Carolina ATennesse B1440