
Laura Cumming suggests that a painting of one of these animals survived because it was still wet in the 2023 book Thunderclap. One of these animals nestles below Mary’s breast in Leonardo’s Madonna Litta as a common symbol for the Passion and the Resurrection. (-5[1])A thin chain holds one of these animals to a feeder in a painting whose creator (-5[1])died in the 1654 (-5[1])Delft gunpowder explosion. One of these animals titles a painting in which Mary sits on a rock and holds an open book with one hand. A Carel Fabritius painting of one of these animals is rescued from a bombing at the Met in a 2014 novel (10[1])by Donna Tartt. In a 1505 painting, one of these animals perches on the finger of an infant John the Baptist. For 10 points, a Raphael Madonna is titled for what small, colorful (-5[1])bird? ■END■ (10[2]0[2])

ANSWER: goldfinches [or Carduelis carduelis; accept The Goldfinch, Het puttertje, Madonna of the Goldfinch, or Madonna del Cardellino; prompt on birds or finches] (Goldfinches seem to have become associated with the Passion through the Crown of Thorns, because they eat thistle seeds.)
<Visual Fine Arts>
= Average correct buzz position

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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Qingyu ZhangUF AUF C43-5
Anna BarkerUCF AUF E59-5
Audrey SwingleUF FFlorida Tech B63-5
Tiffany ZhouUF BFlorida State University A10910
Alexander NicholsUCF BUF D142-5
Aryan PathakUF EUCF A1440
Nicholas NguyenUF DUCF B14410
Eve MarambaUF CUF A14410
Leighton KarpiniaFlorida Tech BUF F1440
