2024 ACF Winter at Clemson

Round 6: Auburn C vs. Georgia Tech E

Auburn C


Zach Miller115
Matthew Bray000
Coy Mier4040
Brandon Hunt2115
7 bonuses for 70 points (10 PPB)

Georgia Tech E


Zach Tseng235
Cole Welch115
Alex Thomas6345
Aaryan Tomar115
10 bonuses for 120 points (12 PPB)

Zach MillerMatthew BrayCoy MierBrandon HuntBonusesTotalTUZach TsengCole WelchAlex ThomasAaryan TomarBonusesTotal
0 13001-5 33-5
0210 116100015
10 1181000203-5 9510
20410 87010030
20510 84010050
10 110000306-5 8445
30710 113100065
30810 641001095
30910 520100115
301010 1400100135
0 1173011-5 101130
10 1230004012-5 91125
0 1444013-5 66120
10 118101007014120
-5 87651510 1461000140
10 11200108516140
851710 1160010160
10 124001010518-5 91155
-5 671001910 13710100185
10 1321001013020-5 126180
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text