2024 ACF Winter at Clemson

Round 4: Auburn C vs. Emory A

Emory A


Luke Zhang160160
Zachary Kant01-5
Cohen Wiegers000
16 bonuses for 230 points (14.38 PPB)

Auburn C


Coy Mier2020
Brandon Hunt115
Zach Miller000
Matthew Bray000
3 bonuses for 10 points (3.33 PPB)

Luke ZhangZachary KantCohen WiegersBonusesTotalTUCoy MierBrandon HuntZach MillerMatthew BrayBonusesTotal
10 6201002010
10 8300104020
10 12400106030
10 9010008040
10 4010010050
10 99010012070
10 97010014080
10 811001017090
1701010 10600010
10 661010102101110
-5 632051210 128010030
10 5200102251330
10 8201002451430
10 11601002651530
10 3001002851630
2851710 10200040
10 1331010103251840
10 5500103451940
10 11510101038520-5 10435
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text