2024 ACF Winter at Clemson

Round 4: Emory B vs. South Carolina A

South Carolina A


Benny Shtutman000
Caleb Slusher2020
Kabir Zaman4040
Braeden LaRoche1010
7 bonuses for 70 points (10 PPB)

Emory B


Tarun Koti6060
Ethan Altshul6250
Barkot Belay1010
13 bonuses for 140 points (10.77 PPB)

Benny ShtutmanCaleb SlusherKabir ZamanBraeden LaRocheBonusesTotalTUTarun KotiEthan AltshulBarkot BelayBonusesTotal
0110 8900010
0210 90001030
0310 106001050
0410 1261001080
0510 12201010110
0610 1210100130
0710 1050100150
10 1111000208150
20910 9510100180
10 9901004010180
401110 700100200
401210 780010220
10 7301006013220
10 1240007014-5 58215
10 1420101010015215
1001610 580100235
10 1020101013017235
1301810 66000245
1301910 790100265
10 11500014020-5 53260
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text