2024 ACF Winter at Clemson

Round 2: Georgia Tech E vs. Georgia Tech F

Georgia Tech E


Alex Thomas2115
Zach Tseng115
Cole Welch1010
Aaryan Tomar03-15
4 bonuses for 50 points (12.5 PPB)

Georgia Tech F


Arhith Dharanendra3125
Clark Quenzler2020
Allen Xu1010
Ian Lu100100
16 bonuses for 250 points (15.63 PPB)

Alex ThomasZach TsengCole WelchAaryan TomarBonusesTotalTUArhith DharanendraClark QuenzlerAllen XuIan LuBonusesTotal
0110 711010030
0310 111100050
0410 151010080
0510 10201010110
0610 1031000130
-5 62-5710 1210100150
-5810 920010170
-5 41-10910 11510100200
10 94000010200
01110 9210100230
10 1291010104012230
10 5001006013230
601410 9110100260
601510 5610010290
10 12801008016-5 66285
801710 7010010315
-5 93751810 127100335
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text