One class of materials named for this quantity exhibits frustrated magnetism and is exemplified by dysprosium titanate. Interactions between two of these quantities are described in the Sherrington–Kirkpatrick model, which models a set of magnetically-disordered materials named for this quantity. The Ising model of ferromagnetism uses a lattice where each atom is assigned a value of this quantity. This quantity names “ice” and “glass” magnetic states in condensed matter physics. Silver atoms were fired through a magnetic field to demonstrate this quantity’s quantization in the Stern–Gerlach experiment. Particles that obey the Pauli exclusion principle have a half-integer value of this quantity and are known as fermions. For 10 points, name this intrinsic angular momentum of a particle. ■END■
ANSWER: spin angular momentum [accept spin ice or spin glasses; prompt on intrinsic angular momentum until read; reject “momentum”]
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