
Benson Mates corrected a long-standing mistake by adding back a missing “if” in a Sextus Empiricus fragment of this group’s logic, which was largely forgotten until the 20th century. For 10 points each:
[10e] Name this Hellenistic philosophical tradition whose members compared philosophy to an egg with logic on the outside. Marcus Aurelius was an adherent of this philosophical school.
ANSWER: Stoicism
[10m] The most prolific Stoic logician was said to have died laughing after seeing one of these animals eat figs. A potentially-satirical thought experiment considers one of these animals that is equally hungry and thirsty.
ANSWER: donkey [or ass; accept Buridan’s ass]
[10h] This Stoic thinker created a system of propositional logic with sayables as truth-bearers and supposedly uttered, “give the donkey… wine to wash down the figs” before dying.
ANSWER: Chrysippus

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Alabama AAuburn B100010
South Carolina AClemson A1010020
Georgia AAuburn C100010
Georgia Tech DGeorgia Tech A100010
Georgia Tech DTusculum A1010020
Georgia Tech DTusculum A100010
Georgia Tech DGeorgia Tech A1010020
Georgia Tech FGeorgia Tech E1001020
Georgia Tech FGeorgia Tech E10101030
Georgia Tech FGeorgia Tech B10101030
Georgia Tech FGeorgia Tech B1001020
Georgia Tech CTennesse B1010020
Georgia Tech EGeorgia A100010
Auburn CTennesse A100010
Emory BClemson A1010020
Emory BClemson A100010
Emory BTusculum A100010
Emory BTusculum A1010020
Auburn ASouth Carolina A100010
Emory AGeorgia Tech B100010
Emory BClemson A1010020
Emory BClemson A100010
Emory BTusculum A100010
Emory BTusculum A1010020
Georgia Tech ATennesse B100010
Georgia Tech FGeorgia Tech E100010
Georgia Tech FGeorgia Tech E1010020
Georgia Tech FGeorgia Tech B1010020
Georgia Tech FGeorgia Tech B100010
Auburn BTennesse A100010
Georgia Tech DGeorgia Tech A100010
Georgia Tech DTusculum A1010020
Georgia Tech DTusculum A100010
Georgia Tech DGeorgia Tech A1010020