2024 ACF Winter at Clemson

Round 2: Auburn A vs. South Carolina A

Auburn A


Will McCurley10290
Gabi Smith000
Henry Bylinowski3125
Will Hughes2020
15 bonuses for 260 points (17.33 PPB)

South Carolina A


Benny Shtutman01-5
Caleb Slusher2020
Kabir Zaman1010
Braeden LaRoche1010
4 bonuses for 50 points (12.5 PPB)

Will McCurleyGabi SmithHenry BylinowskiWill HughesBonusesTotalTUBenny ShtutmanCaleb SlusherKabir ZamanBraeden LaRocheBonusesTotal
10 10601002010
10 1371010106020
60310 66100020
10 901010090420
10 1421000110520
10 5510100140620
10 5710010170720
10 600100190820
10 7101010220920
10 351010102601020
2601110 881010050
10 100010102901250
10 7501003101350
10 1261001034014-5 7645
-5 65335150 13745
10 61101003651645
-5 883601710 1191001075
-5 413551810 1270085
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text