2024 ACF Winter at Clemson

Round 1: Georgia Tech A vs. Georgia Tech D

Georgia Tech A


Tianyu Xu3125
Euan Ham000
Michael Zhou3315
Matthew Sumanen2020
8 bonuses for 120 points (15 PPB)

Georgia Tech D


Ayan Guha1010
Pranav Jothi3030
Bharath Ram1010
Tegan Kapadia7070
12 bonuses for 210 points (17.5 PPB)

Tianyu XuEuan HamMichael ZhouMatthew SumanenBonusesTotalTUAyan GuhaPranav JothiBharath RamTegan KapadiaBonusesTotal
0110 73100020
-5 58-5210 1181001050
10 104010015350
10 390101045450
-5 6040510 1281010080
-5 5935610 11701010110
10 5201010657110
65810 8101010140
65910 11001010170
10 57101009510170
10 4000010511170
1051210 1320100190
10 55100012513190
-5 611201410 7710010220
10 841001015015220
1501610 1040010240
1501710 69101010280
10 1101001018018280
1801910 910100300
1802010 561010330
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text