
Creatures known as Mandurugo often appear as beautiful young women and are best known for doing this action. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name or describe this action also done by the Filipino manananggal, which detaches its upper body from its legs at night.
ANSWER: drinking blood [or any description of consuming human blood; prompt on cannibalism or descriptions of eating or consuming humans]
[10e] Manananggal and the Mandurugo are often compared to these European folkloric creatures due to their consumption of blood. Like these creatures, manananggal are also thought to strongly dislike garlic.
ANSWER: vampires
[10m] The Filipino tikbalang is a humanoid creature whose upper body takes the form of this animal. In Journey to the West, the fifth member of Táng Sānzàng’s party is a white dragon that takes the form of one of these animals.
ANSWER: horses [or kabayo or ; accept werehorse or White Dragon Horse or Bái Lóng ; prompt on Yù Lóng]

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2024 ACF Winter at Clemson2024-11-16Y915.56100%33%22%
2024 ACF Winter at Clemson2024-11-16Y75.7129%29%0%
2024 ACF Winter at Ohio State2024-11-16Y130.00100%100%100%


Auburn BAlabama A010010
South Carolina AClemson A010010
Georgia AGeorgia Tech E010010
Georgia AGeorgia Tech E010010
Georgia AAuburn C010010
Georgia AAuburn C010010
Georgia Tech DGeorgia Tech A0101020
Georgia Tech BGeorgia Tech F10101030
Georgia Tech CTennesse B0101020
Georgia AGeorgia Tech E010010
Georgia AGeorgia Tech E010010
Georgia AAuburn C010010
Georgia AAuburn C010010
Tennesse AAuburn C1010020
Tennesse AAuburn B010010
Tennesse AAuburn B0000
Tennesse AAuburn C100010
Tusculum AGeorgia Tech D0000
Tusculum AEmory B010010
Tusculum AEmory B0000
Tusculum AGeorgia Tech D010010
Auburn ASouth Carolina A0101020
Emory AGeorgia Tech B001010
Emory BClemson A0000
Georgia Tech ATennesse B010010
Georgia Tech EGeorgia Tech F0000
Tennesse AAuburn C1010020
Tennesse AAuburn B010010
Tennesse AAuburn B0000
Tennesse AAuburn C100010
Tusculum AGeorgia Tech D0000
Tusculum AEmory B010010
Tusculum AEmory B0000
Tusculum AGeorgia Tech D010010