
Creatures known as Mandurugo often appear as beautiful young women and are best known for doing this action. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name or describe this action also done by the Filipino manananggal, which detaches its upper body from its legs at night.
ANSWER: drinking blood [or any description of consuming human blood; prompt on cannibalism or descriptions of eating or consuming humans]
[10e] Manananggal and the Mandurugo are often compared to these European folkloric creatures due to their consumption of blood. Like these creatures, manananggal are also thought to strongly dislike garlic.
ANSWER: vampires
[10m] The Filipino tikbalang is a humanoid creature whose upper body takes the form of this animal. In Journey to the West, the fifth member of Táng Sānzàng’s party is a white dragon that takes the form of one of these animals.
ANSWER: horses [or kabayo or ; accept werehorse or White Dragon Horse or Bái Lóng ; prompt on Yù Lóng]

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