2024 ACF Winter at Northwestern

Round 3: Notre Dame A vs. Chicago C

Notre Dame A


Noah McRedmond1010
Sam McNamee02-10
Max Kolda2115
Christopher Joseph02-10
3 bonuses for 30 points (10 PPB)

Chicago C


Coby Tran5050
Sam Konkel4040
Alvin Guo4135
Benny Feldman4135
17 bonuses for 300 points (17.65 PPB)

Noah McRedmondSam McNameeMax KoldaChristopher JosephBonusesTotalTUCoby TranSam KonkelAlvin GuoBenny FeldmanBonusesTotal
0110 105001020
0210 431001050
0310 1230101080
0410 5510010110
10 680010205110
20610 8401010140
20710 3910100170
20810 1020010190
-5 3015910 11910100220
-5 71101010 129101010260
101110 491000280
-5 7051210 13310100310
51310 7301010340
-5 8801410 1350010360
01510 8101010390
-5 66-51610 12510010420
-51710 6601010450
10 10610001518-5 76445
151910 1130100465
10 15201003520-5 100460
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text