2024 ACF Winter at Northwestern

Round 3: Miami-Ohio A vs. Purdue A

Miami-Ohio A


Francis Bernhardt3220
Connor McClelland000
Evan Davies115
Lucas Gagen01-5
4 bonuses for 50 points (12.5 PPB)

Purdue A


Nolan Jones4135
Eric Yang5145
Nitin Murthy4040
Matthew Westley2020
15 bonuses for 250 points (16.67 PPB)

Francis BernhardtConnor McClellandEvan DaviesLucas GagenBonusesTotalTUNolan JonesEric YangNitin MurthyMatthew WestleyBonusesTotal
10 10100102010
20210 511001030
20410 420101060
20510 112101010100
20610 960010120
-5 7315710 10810010150
-5 12010810 1390100170
10910 950010190
-5 9251010 12910100220
51110 72101010260
10 13310002512-5 46255
10 3801004513255
-5 46401410 10801010285
10 114010107015-5 71280
701610 960100300
701710 1241000320
701810 7701010350
701910 1241000370
702010 810100390
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text