2024 ACF Winter at Northwestern

Round 3: Northwestern A vs. WUSTL B

Northwestern A


Matt Schiavone3125
Jacob Puthipiroj2115
Stephen Walsh1010
6 bonuses for 100 points (16.67 PPB)



Jeremy Cummings2020
John John Groger4040
Neal Joshi5050
June Yin3030
14 bonuses for 260 points (18.57 PPB)

Matt SchiavoneJacob PuthipirojStephen WalshBonusesTotalTUJeremy CummingsJohn John GrogerNeal JoshiJune YinBonusesTotal
-5 56-5110 1160101030
-5210 34100050
-5310 740101080
10 581001025480
25510 730010100
10 8501010556100
55710 4010100130
10 1040100758130
75910 9610100160
-5 14701010 108101010200
701110 651000220
10 8401009012220
10 320101012013220
10 640101015014220
1501510 2601010250
1501610 9610010280
1501710 48101010320
1501810 44101010360
1501910 730100380
1502010 1190100400
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text