2024 ACF Winter at Northwestern

Round 2: Purdue B vs. WUSTL B



Jeremy Cummings3030
John John Groger2020
Neal Joshi7165
June Yin4230
16 bonuses for 350 points (21.88 PPB)

Purdue B


Reilly Melville1010
Era Gunawan01-5
David Mathew000
Ishaan Singh2020
3 bonuses for 30 points (10 PPB)

Jeremy CummingsJohn John GrogerNeal JoshiJune YinBonusesTotalTUReilly MelvilleEra GunawanDavid MathewIshaan SinghBonusesTotal
-5 136-510 1420
10 1411010103520
-5 8830310 91010020
10 581001060420
10 64101010100520
10 6610100130620
-5 83125710 124010040
10 420100145840
10 9110100175940
10 134010102051040
10 1480101023511-5 1535
10 90101002651235
10 106010102951335
2951410 29001055
10 421010103351555
10 971010103751655
10 741010104151755
10 34010104451855
10 6201004651955
10 58101004952055
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text