The blood of this mythological figure creates the first rose in the Gnostic text On the Origin of the World. After convincing her not to commit suicide by drowning, a divinely inspired reed advises this figure to harvest wool from a briar patch. Artistic depictions of this figure often include butterfly wings. This figure opens a supposed box of divine beauty only to find a cloud of darkness and fall into a deep sleep. In a possible inspiration for Cinderella, a group of ants aids this woman in sorting a pile of mixed grains. The most popular story about this woman is included in books four through six of Apuleius’s The Golden Ass. This woman is forced to undergo a series of trials after she spills hot oil on her unseen lover. For 10 points, name this Greek goddess of the soul, originally the human lover of Cupid. ■END■
ANSWER: Psyche
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