
This quantity is conserved in an ideal Hampson–Linde cycle, which is used in the liquefaction of gases. At a constant value of this quantity, hydrogen, helium, and neon warm upon expansion because they have very (10[1])small inversion temperatures. The differential for this quantity is equal to “T dS + V dp” (-5[1])when (10[1])particle number (-5[1])is held constant. (10[1])Throttling processes (10[1])conserve this quantity via the Joule–Thomson effect. In the thermodynamic square, this quantity is the only non-energy potential. Along with energy, the Born–Haber cycle calculates a “lattice” version of this quantity from Hess’s law. This quantity, (10[1])equal to the sum of the internal energy plus (10[1])pressure times volume, is negative for exothermic processes. For 10 points, name this state function denoted H. (10[1])■END■ (10[2])

ANSWER: enthalpy [accept lattice enthalpy; prompt on H until read]
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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
June YinWashU BPurdue B3410
Matt SchiavoneNorthwestern AUChicago D50-5
Alex AkridgeIndiana AUChicago C5110
Gabe DubowskiUIUC CPurdue A53-5
William HoustonUChicago BUIUC A5610
Yash MandaviaUIUC BPurdue D5810
Ezra SantosUChicago ANotre Dame9410
Ethan MaUIUC DPurdue C10310
Matthew WestPurdue AUIUC C12010
Emmett ChoUChicago DNorthwestern A12110
Ava AustinSIUE AWashU D12110