2024 ACF Winter at Northwestern

Round 2: Indiana A vs. Chicago C

Chicago C


Sam Konkel4135
Coby Tran2115
Benny Feldman2020
Alvin Guo2020
10 bonuses for 190 points (19 PPB)

Indiana A


Alex Akridge4135
Justin Hawkins5145
Danila Kabotyanski120
10 bonuses for 220 points (22 PPB)

Sam KonkelCoby TranBenny FeldmanAlvin GuoBonusesTotalTUAlex AkridgeJustin HawkinsDanila KabotyanskiBonusesTotal
10 33101003010
30210 730101030
-5 4225310 11810101070
25410 92001090
10 64010045590
45610 7101010120
45710 47101010160
10 70101010858160
85910 8301010190
10 1390101011510-5 84185
-5 731101110 14810100215
10 640101014012215
1401310 103101010255
10 7810101018014255
1801510 4401010285
10 137100020016-5 32280
10 670101023017280
2301810 5110100310
10 126010025019-5 69305
10 1271001028020-5 56300
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text