2024 ACF Winter at UC Berkeley

Round 1: UC Berkeley B vs. Stanford M

Stanford M


Michal Gerasimiuk12595
12 bonuses for 220 points (18.33 PPB)

UC Berkeley B


Rohan Shelke2020
Ryan Sun6060
Terry Tang000
Albert Su01-5
8 bonuses for 170 points (21.25 PPB)

Michal GerasimiukBonusesTotalTURohan ShelkeRyan SunTerry TangAlbert SuBonusesTotal
10 63100103010
10 4000105020
10 58010108030
10 1301010101204-5 43-5
10 7501001405-5
10 77101001706-5
170710 961010025
170810 38010045
170910 7010101085
-5 951651010 12710100115
10 109010018511115
10 671010021512115
-5 992101310 14701010145
10 111010024014145
10 61001026015145
-5 652551610 13810100175
10 7010101029517175
10 1010101032518175
-5 463201910 115101010215
-5 903152010 15101010245
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text